Tuesday 25 October 2011

Scientific Vocabulary

  1. Biotic:  scientific word for living things.
  2. Abiotic: scientific word for non-living things.
  3. Consumers: livings things that feed on other living things.
  4. Decomposers: living things that break down dead elements into smaller pieces.
  5. Producers:  living things (plants) that can make their own food/energy.
  6. Scavengers:  biotic elements that feed off animals that are already dead.
  7. Microorganisms: living things that are too small to be seen without a microscope.
  8. Populations: the total number of specific species of living things.
  9. Communities: a group of living things who live in the same area or have many similarities.
  10. Interactions: actions that are done between biotic and abiotic elements.

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