Monday 24 October 2011

Economic, Environmental, and Social Factors to be Considered in the Management of the Meadow

Social Factors:
The birds are very interesting, so there will the birds grow, be fed, fly around while you watch how amazing they are being free instead of being treated like dirt! You we see how they live by their surroundings. They will need us to support them so they can survive without struggling. We will have trainers to train the birds while you visit. So come on over and we will all see these wonderful Red-Breasted Sapsuckers!

A person watching birds.

Economic Factors:
We will be raising money as you come to visit. The visit will cost 5 dollars per person. All of the money raised will go to the "Save the Red-Breasted Sapsucker Foundation". We will use the money for improving their environment. For example: growing trees for them to build nests, some toys for them to play with, and a new system for them to roam around freely instead of being trapped!  

Donating money to the "Save the Red-Breasted Sapsucker Foundation".

Environmental Factors:
With the money we will import trees, food, and other things the birds need to survive with. The money will go to good use; possibly other related birds for company, import insects and some fruits, and mainly tree sap because that is their main food that they eat. The litter in the area will affect their whole ecosystem. For example: the litter could dirty the water that they drink, and the fruits that grows on the trees. So please don't litter around the area.  

Tree sap – the main food for the birds.

 Now you know why saving these poor, little Red-Breasted Sapsuckers are very important. Remember, they are creatures just like us. So please help us save the Red-Breasted Sapsucker!!!

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